Your path to franchise ownership

Our Discovery process is designed to guide you as you consider this life-changing opportunity. Express offers clear steps to ownership that are outlined here, so you can get the answers you need to help you decide. 

Step 1

Introductory Call
with Express

Talk with a Franchise Development Director so we can find out more about your interest level, background, and qualifications. They’ll answer any questions you have about ownership with Express.

Step 2

Franchise Disclosure
Document Review

During the Discovery process, you’ll receive a copy of the Express Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). The FDD provides a comprehensive overview of the Express franchise opportunity, including the financial commitment, operating requirements and support offered by Express. 

Understanding the FDD

We’ll walk you through each section of the document.

How much can you earn?

The FDD includes a section that discloses average revenue for Express territories. This section, called Item 19, is designed to answer your questions about financial performance. 

Step 3

Network with our community of Franchise Owners

At this point in the Discovery process, you’ll have a chance to speak with current Express Franchisees to validate what you’ve learned. Ask existing Franchise Owners about their day-to-day experience and gain valuable insights into the business. If you’re considering a resale opportunity, this will be the point of introduction between you and the selling franchise owner.

Step 4

Visit the Sydney office and meet our leadership team

Discovery Day is your chance to meet some of our leadership team and truly experience the Express culture. You’ll meet directly with different department heads and learn more about the support they offer to both Franchise Owners and their employees. 

Step 5

Sign Franchise Agreement

Finalize your partnership and become an official member of the Express family.

Picture yourself earning the money you want

You get out of this business what you put into it. If you go into it knowing that you have to work hard to get your business off the ground, then you will see the fruits of your labor pretty quickly.”

Tracy Thompson
Franchise Owner

Congratulations, you’ve completed the
Express Discovery Center

Contact your Franchise Development Director to discuss next steps.